Family Matters @ School
Parenting Support (Families For Life Programmes)
Woodlands Ring Secondary School has partnered the Care Corner Families For Life (FFL) to conduct parenting programmes for parents of the school.
FFL is the appointed parenting support provider of WRSS. The FFL supports parents through their anchor programme - Positive Parenting Programme (Triple P). FFL programmes are funded by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF).
To learn more about Care Corner FFL, visit their website:
What is Triple P ?
The Positive Parenting Programme is a parenting and family support strategy designed to prevent behavioural and emotional problems in children.
What does it offer?
Simple and practical strategies to help parents confidently manage their children’s behaviour, prevent problems developing and build strong, healthy relationships.
Why is it effective?
One of the most effective evidence-based parenting programmes in the world, backed up by more than 30 years of ongoing research.
It offers parents preventive programmes of different intensity to meet their needs.
Effective in reducing child behavioural problems and improving parental self-efficacy and satisfaction.
Implemented in 25 countries such as Australia, Japan and Hong Kong.
1-to-1 consultation or group sessions
Video on Triple P
Video Testimony from parents
Contact Email:
Phone: 6978 4090
Triple P Seminars (On-site sessions)