Walking Trail at Botanic Gardens

As part of the Physical Education Department’s Vitality.In.Me (VIM) Programme to promote active and healthy living, the annual Walking took over 80 staff and students to Singapore’s only UNESCO World Heritage Site — the Singapore Botanic Gardens for a morning of meaningful engagement with the environment while staying active. Students, together with our Principal, teachers, and support staff, had a morning filled with new discoveries and knowledge of the flora and fauna in the garden as they navigated their way through various iconic spots to complete tasks. From riddles to capturing images of nature to composing and singing a song while racing against other teams, it was certainly an adrenaline-filled and fun trail for all!
Do You M.I.N.D.? Workshop 2019

As part of the school’s effort to care for the well-being of our Student Leaders, the school engaged TOUCH Community Services to conduct a mental health educational workshop that aimed to equip youths with knowledge to mind their mental health.
The programme used innovative approaches such as adventure-based experiential learning and virtual reality immersive experience to help youths achieve the following:
M – moderate stress and expectations for a balanced and healthy lifestyle,
I – include people with mental health issues in their social circles,
N – notice preliminary signs and symptoms of mental health issues in their peers, and
D – defend themselves by adopting positive coping habits.
A total of 72 Student Leaders attended the workshop on 20 Jun 2019. They were divided into five groups where the groups rotated between sessions at five venues. Each session would consist of theoretical understanding of a mental health issue, such as bulimia and self-esteem issues, followed by a hands-on activity.
The Student Leaders certainly had enjoyed the workshop. Not only did they learnt how to self-regulate their personal issues, they had also learnt to pick up signs and symptoms of the various mental issues from their peers. They would be more equipped to help identify peers around them who needed the support.

Here are some example of students’ takeaways:
“I’ve learnt that I’m able to make a difference in other people’s lives by being their emotional pillar of support.”
— Javier Loo
“Every time I heard someone gossiping about things, I tend to feel as if they are judging me or making fun of me, which makes me feel insecure and worried. But after this lesson, I have learnt that they might not even be talking about you, sometimes it’s just the inner voice telling me that he is trying to mock you and even if they are really gossiping about you, I’ve learnt that it is better to ignore them and just forget about it.”
— Tan Yuan Xun
School Song Studio Recording

As part of the school’s WRS20! Celebrations, an updated version of the school song was launched to better reflect the youthful and dynamic nature of our school. This year, selected members of the Symphonic Band were involved in a studio recording session where they re-recorded the school song which will be used during Morning Assemblies and School events. Do look out for the new audio that will be played very soon!